由中国中文信息学会(CIPS)医疗健康与生物信息处理专业委员会主办、浙江大学计算机学院承办的第九届中国健康信息处理大会(CHIP2023)( http://www.cips-chip.org.cn ),将于2023年10月27-29日在新亚运城杭州举行。中国健康信息处理大会(CHIP)是中国中文信息学会(CIPS)医疗健康与生物信息处理专业委员会开展的“以信息处理技术助力探索生命之奥秘、提高健康之质量、提升医疗之水平”为主旨的年度会议。CHIP是中国健康信息处理领域的重要会议,是世界各地学术界、企业界和政府部门的研究人员和从业人士分享创意,进一步推广领域研究成果和经验的重要平台。诚邀大家莅临CHIP2023,共襄盛举,共同促进中国健康信息处理与发展。会议注册地址: http://reg.cipsc.org.cn/chip2023/index.html。
CHIP 2023聚焦“大模型与智慧医疗健康”,将探讨人工智能服务于大健康的关键技术和应用,特别是医疗大模型相关的前沿进展。会议将包括特邀报告、学术论文交流、评测技术交流和主题论坛等环节。与往年会议类似,CHIP2023包含了特邀报告、论文报告、工业论坛、评测研讨会和主题论坛等环节。 (CHIP2023邀请函下载)

Prof. ZHANG Weixiong
Chair Professor in Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics, Hong Kong Global STEM Scholar
个人简介:章伟雄教授拥有计算机学士(清华大学)和博士(美国加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA)学位,曾任美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学计算机和遗传学教授二十余年。目前担任香港理工大学生物信息学与整合基因组学讲座教授和香港全球杰出创科学人教授 (Hong Kong Global STEM Professor) 。
题目:Network-based genome-wide association studies of complex traits and diseases
摘要:Hundreds of genetic biomarkers have been identified in complex disease studies, yet the bulk of "missing heritability" remains alarmingly elusive, which hinders the reliable diagnosis and effective treatment of complex diseases such as cancers and brain disorders. Combinatorial interactions among multiple genomic loci and genetic heterogeneity in the human populations constitute candidate sources of the “missing heritability”. In this talk, I will first discuss the biological and computational challenges to the discovery of polygenic (combinatorial) biomarkers. I will then present a novel approach to network-based, allele-specific genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for systematic identification and analysis of polygenic biomarkers of complex traits and diseases. I will also present some of the results of the new method on psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disease) and the genomic structures of world populations of different ethnic backgrounds. I will discuss some ongoing research and new directions for future development for the identification of polygenic biomarkers of complex diseases, particularly along the line of deep-learning and graph techniques for large network analysis.

个人简介:周少华教授是中国科学技术大学讲席教授,博导,生物医学工程学院执行院长,医学影像智能与机器人研究中心主任。长期致力于医学影像的研究创新、应用落地及学术服务。在医学影像领域,率先开展了“机器学习+知识模型”的系统性研究,最近明确了“大任务、小数据”的研究范式和挑战,探出了标注高效、通用模型、知识融合的三大解决途径。发表270余篇学术论文和章节,谷歌学术总引用超14000次,H因子为64;撰编学术专著8本。在工业界有长达14年的经历,曾任西门子高级研发总监及首席AI专家。获授权专利逾140项,算法成功转入10多项FDA批准的产品。产品部署在全球几千家医院,用于逾7百万病人的临床治疗诊断。担任行业顶级协会MICCAI司库兼理事、Medical Open Network for AI(MONAI)顾问、顶级期刊Medical Image Analysis 、IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI)、IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging(TMI)等编委、顶级会议AAAI、CVPR、ICCV、MICCAI和NeurIPS等领域主席、MICCAI2020的程序联席主席、《视觉求索》公众号联席主编。他多次因算法、论文、专利、服务等多次获得认可和奖励,包括MICCAI年轻科学家奖提名文章、RD100 科技奥斯卡奖、西门子年度发明家、马里兰大学EE杰出校友奖、BMEF年度编辑、Fellow of IEEE、AIMBE (美国医学与生物工程院)、NAI(美国国家学术发明院)等。
摘要:Medical images are widely used in clinical decision making and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are commonly utilized in medical imaging and image analysis. In this talk, we address the aspect of medical imaging and present an overview of how AI facilitates the generation of medical image through recovery and synthesis. Medical image recovery attempts to recover the original image under adverse imaging conditions, such as metal artifacts, slow acquisition time, etc. Medical image synthesis attempts to synthesize, from an acquired image under current conditions, a novel image under different conditions. We will cover three neural approaches: (i) Dual domain network (DuDoNet) for metal artifact reduction in CT via joint learning in both sinogram and image domains and MR image reconstruction from undersampled k-space data via joint and recurrent learning in both frequency and image domains; (ii) Causal image synthesis (CIS) for counterfactually synthesizing MR brain images in 3D via the nontrivial leverage of a causal graph and 3D StyleGAN; and (iii) Unified multimodal image synthesis (UMIS) for imputing missing MR images of multiple modalities from any combination of available ones with a single unified model. Our recovery and synthesis approaches leverage deep neural networks as cores, integrate specific domain knowledge, and achieve high quality images.

• 任务一:CHIP-PromptCBLUE医疗大模型评测任务
• 任务二:中文医学文本小样本命名实体识别评测任务
• 任务三:药品纸质文档识别与实体关系抽取任务
• 任务四:CHIP-YIER医疗大模型评测任务
• 任务五:医疗文献PICOS识别任务
• 任务六:中文糖尿病问题分类评测任务